
Helmets to Hardhats Minnesota Celebrates Veterans with Appreciation Dinner

Minnesota and Twin Cities-area contractors and trade unions joined Helmets to Hardhats Minnesota in honoring and celebrating Minnesota veterans who have found careers in Minnesota’s construction industry.

Helmets to Hardhats leaders, from left to right: Justin Rost, Darrell Roberts, and Joel Welter

More than 160 people from Minnesota’s construction industry participated in a fundraising dinner for Helmets to Hardhats Minnesota on March 1 at Jax Cafe in Northeast Minneapolis. During the event, Minnesota veterans who have found careers in the construction industry, were called out and celebrated for their service to our country, and for their support of Helmets to Hardhats.

Veterans honored who work with the International Union of Elevator Constructors, Local 9.

The event featured keynote speaker Darrell Roberts, the director of the national Helmets to Hardhats organization, which has helped more than 25,000 veterans find jobs in the construction industry since it was founded 14 years ago.